Chinese silicon metal market is more stable
The Chinese silicon metal market is more stable and in a quite status lately. The downstream is tend to buy in on demand.
However, due to the market is still in dry season, the production rate is not as active, raw materials costs are consider as high.
The overall prices are in slow rising trend. Also, due to whole shipping industry was facing quite tough time in previous months,
they are alliencing to increase the overall ocean freight in major ports from April!
The ocean freight to European ports have rised to peak, over 500-800USD/per container for shipments before mid-April!
Even to Asian ports, the freight has increased 100-200USD/per container. But we counting on the further rate that, it could be in a slight recover in the end of April or in early-May.
So the overall Silicon pricing is considering in a slight stable status, but will be mainly based on downstream demand.