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Production raw materials costs rised lead to overall silicon price increase even in wet season

Date:2017-06-28 View:560
The Chinese silicon metal market has gradually entered into wet season from June. However, the main production raw materials' costs are continue rising, specially rapidly in recent time, and has created quite an impact to the overall silicon prices. 

The main raw materials such as electrode cost has increased $450/MT; petroleum coke cost has increased $15/MT. That means, only with these two main costs rise, have increased over $45 in producing 1MT silicon. Also, the southern regions' electricity rate didn't actually decline, even inform to increase $20/MT in production from July by government control. 

From current status of overall silicon market, we reckon, the near future market is still consider tough, the majority smelters' willingness to open production will be reluctant if costs keep increase, and demand not as active. The overall silicon price will tend to maintain stable, and unlikely to decrease further as expected in the wet season.  
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